Thursday, October 4, 2007

Ever feel like your life just isn't going anywhere. Life just seems just move in the same way. I missed my first credit card payment on accident this time. It was some what sad. I didn't mean to miss it I just plain forgot to pay it. Not like i didn't have the money to pay it its just i forgot. I'm getting older and i just don't have the energy to live. Sometimes I think it might even be easier if i could do something more productive. Its the same thing every week. The same motions. I need to shake up my life. I don't have anything to complain about but i do complain at the same time. I have loving parrents good friends who will be there for you if you need them. Why do I feel thatI'm missing somthing. I have thigns that people stive to get. I have the brain power to out think people. I have the ablity to do things that others can't yet. I feel that there is no reason to wake up tomorrow. It feels like a daily struggle just to get through the days and weeks. I need to live my life one day at a time. I need to enjoy my life. I need a goal in my life. I need a reason to go on.

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