Friday, April 30, 2010

I feel like there is an air of desperation in my lungs. Its a sense of heaviness that makes it hard to breath. I really don't know what to do. I'm not sure where to go. Its one of the hardest things to feel. I have lost direction. The motivation is there but with the lacking of results it is hard to believe that anything is possible. There are many things that need to be done, but which direction should I take? Where do I go from here? I need direction... I need someone to kick me in the butt and tell me where to go.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

suck up your pride
get over your self
accept that in order to move on you must admit to failure
there is a higher probability for success in another way of life
You can always come back
in 7 months you will be 27
What will you have accomplished?
Why haven't you accomplished more?
should i look around? Compare