Sunday, March 16, 2008

Being a nice guy sucks. Its hard to understand why women like bad guys, its all hard to understand why women want somthing else. I don't understand alot of things and women is one of them. I don't know how to pick up a woman I'm not really sure that i know how come she didn't like me. I guess i should ask her next time. I guess teh answer that im not looking for is the "your not my type" thats such a bull answer . I want somthing more specific. But if she says that it proves my point that she don't dig asian guys. Just like in the movies. she sure does watch alot of movies though. It was my mistake . I need to re dedicate myself to what I do and what im good at. finish up school and walk away from everything. Thats all I can really do now is just walk away . concentrate of who I am.

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